Recipe — Automate Weekly Webinar Emails

I recently had an AW Pro Tools customer ask for a way to automate their weekly webinar followup series.

Here’s how this (awesome) marketer’s process works:

  • She continuously promotes her product in different channels, funneling leads to her weekly webinar
  • The webinar runs every Thursday
  • To make sure subscribers don’t miss the webinar, she signs them up using an AW Pro Tools Webinar automation — this lets her subscribe them to the webinar and move them to a list with a sequence of reminder emails leading up to the webinar itself – with a single click!
  • Once the weekly webinar is done, she wanted to move all the subscribers that signed up to the webinar to her broadcast list

At first she moving subscribers manually after each webinar, but that’s time consuming and tedious — and that’s exactly what automation is for, right?

Luckily — this is extremely simple to automate with AW Pro Tools: all she had to do was create a single automation that moves everyone from her webinar list to her broadcast list every Thursday night.

Couldn’t get any simpler! Are you running weekly webinars? I’d love to hear how you use them to build out your audience and improve your sales.

Need help freeing up more of your time using automation? Sign up to AW Pro Tools (you get a free, no-risk 14 days trial), and contact us if you need any ideas or assistance – we’re here to help.

About the author

I write code, I write words, I make things work.